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BREAKING: “Senator Mitch McConnell in Shock: Two Democrat Judges Reverse Their Decisions.”



Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell melts down after two Democrat-appointed federal judges reverse their decisions to retire in the wake of Donald Trump’s electoral victory.

Republicans play dirty then cry when liberals fight back…

“They rolled the dice that a Democrat could replace them and now that he won’t, they’re changing their plans to keep a Republican from doing it,” McConnell whined on the Senate floor.

He called the retirement reversals a “partisan” gambit intended to stop Trump from appointing the replacements for the liberal judges.

“It’s a brazen admission,” McConnell went on. “And the incoming administration would be wise to explore all available recusal options with these judges, because it’s clear now that they have a political finger on the scale.”

“This sort of partisan behavior undermines the integrity of the judiciary. It exposes bold Democratic blue where there should only be black robes,” he went on.

“It’s hard to conclude this is anything other than open partisanship,” McConnell added.

Coming from McConnell — the man who refused to hold nomination hearings for Merrick Garland under President Obama — this is the richest form of hypocrisy. McConnell is an utterly partisan hack, a man who believes in power above all else.

The judges in question should be praised for remaining in their seats.

They are U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn, who was an Obama appointee who sits on the court for the Western District of North Carolina and U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley, a judge for the Southern District of Ohio who was appointed by President Bill Clinton.

Thank you for your judicial service!

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